Our family now...

Our family now...
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday August something or other

Let's just say things have been different. Our VPN's (connection to get on a safe network in China) have been on and off, so some days it's hit or miss to post. I've just been too tired also.

It's been hard getting the pictures to post, I am not the worlds most technical person. I will try to make sure Lane has uploaded them and see if I can get some up later.

Yesterday our guide took us to the the 1000 Budah Mountain. I think he was very disappointed that we really could have cared less. I think we should have put our feet down and said we didn't want to go there, but he said there were places for the kids to play (some old toys were there for kids to ride) and there was a sled type of slide that we could slide down to the bottom of the hill. That was about the gist of it.

We decided on KFC for a quick lunch. And we really aren't sure what type of chicken it really was.

After coming back to the room and trying without luck to enforce nap time, we headed downtown to the city square. People were flying kits, roller blading, kids doing bubbles, etc. We bought a small kie which Min proceeded to rip the tail off of, so it didn't work, then the string broke and it flew away. We then bought some bubbles for Min and some type of parachute thingy for Zane. I think we spent a few hours down there.

And then we headed back to pizza hut for our 3rd night in a row. The pizza is good, the salad ok, the bathroom perfect (because they have a western toilet option!).

Nighttimes have been ok. From what we were told (after the first night and a wet bed), the Nannies always woke Min up at 10:00 and again at 12:00 to use the bathroom. Apparently it is very normal for kids here to go to the bathroom numerous times per day. We are already working on waiting.

Zane and Min have been getting along well, though it has been mostly side by side playing. Min is totally into his crayons (ku-wah, ku-wah is what he always says, we cannot get him to to speak it into the translator (like that would help) ). He writes some characters and keeps all of his papers organized.

Min doesn't seem interested in the beach ball or playing with the trucks. He talks a lot but we have, of course, no idea what he is saying.

We walked down to see the Black Tiger Springs this morning. Not to exciting but got to walk and get out for a bit. Then we went back down to the town square and did more bubbles and parachuting. We opted to have lunch in the room today and after circling the grocery umpteen times, lane went in search on disown and found the breads, got us some wonderfully fresh pita breads.

Exciting, huh?! At 3 we are heading back down to the town square to see the fountain show. We hope to get together with some other families tonight for dinner.

Only 8 more days until we can fly home...

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Day two with Peyton Min

It's been a rough 24 hours or so and I just haven't felt like posting.
We arrived at the hotel (we are staying at the Crowne Plaza in Jinan) at about 1:00. Our guide (who is wonderful by the way) told us that Min has known about us for two months and that he was scheduled to arrive at the hotel at 3:00 instead of 4:00. Exciting, nerve wracking.

We got to our room and started unpacking. Our phone rang at 2:15, they were here in the lobby. We opted to go down and meet him in the lobby.

I knew Min would be tiny but I think I'd expected he would have grown some. He is very small. Pretty much 3 toddler. He was not afraid of us at all, greeted each of us: Baba, Mama, and Guh Guh (big brother). (min is Di Di, little brother. They (the orphanage nannies) called him Dien Dien, so for now, we call him that. He is active and curious. for him not to be afraid or crying or any emotion, to me is not a good thing, as he has not bonded well with any one person and he will pretty much go to anyone. We will have a lot of bonding work to do.

The Nannies think he is a very smart little guy. They told our guide that all of Min's 11 Nannies said he has been their favorite. Our guide told us in all his years of doing this (16 or 17 years) he has never been told anything like this. Interesting.

This morning, Monday, we met our guide at 8:00 to go to the Civil affairs office to start our paperwork. There were 9 other families there. We spent about 1 1/2 hours there. I refused to use the squatty potty. After that, it was straight to the police station for more paperwork. I caved and used my first (and hopefully last) squatty potty. At least it was a brand new building they had just moved into, so not too bad. Then it was off to the Notary office for our final paperwork for the week. Or so we thought... More later.

After that we went to the Sunflower Restuarant for some authentic Chinese. It was pretty good.

And finally back to the hotel.

Finally got Min asleep for his nap (the orphanage still had him on a nap schedule and we think for now this is good). And getting some quiet time. Then our phone rang, our guide. Somehow Lane and I mixed up our passport numbers on the paperwork and it all has to be redone. Unbelievable and discouraging.
After a few very long days, just didn't need this. :( hopefully all will be corrected and put in order. Zane went with Lane and Min and I are here at the hotel.

Please continue to pray for us: for me, I am not bonding well with Min. Zane has done wonderfully well, for that we are very thankful. Lane has done well also.
For our safety, for family bonding. For sleep.
For all of the other families and their kiddos here. And for Lanes business at home to stay on track while we are gone.

'Lord, when doubts fill my mind and my heart is in turmoil, please give me renewed hope and cheer'.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our itinerary

Deep breath.....bittersweet tonight as our last night just the three of us.
I am both nervous and excited and filled with all sorts of emotions.
Here is our schedule for the next 11 days:

8/26 Sunday - arrive in Jinan 11:50. Go to our hotel, the Crowne Plaza.
16:00 'meet child and take picture'. Not sure what the picture is for, but we will find out. I asked our agency and they think we will meet Min in the hotel lobby.

8/27 Monday - Register and donation; apply notary and passport

8/28 Tuesday - break

8/29 Wednesday - break or visit the orphanage. As much as I think that wr would like to visit the orphanage, I don't think we will. It is 4 hours away from the hotel and that would be a long day of (more) travel for all of us (and not fun for two little guys).

8/30 Thursday - Receive Notary

8/31 Friday - Receive passport. Take flight to Guangzhou. We will be staying at the Garden Hotel.

9/1 Saturday - Visa picture and meds check

9/2 Sunday - sightseeing

9/3 Monday - ??? Nothing on the schedule so I guess more sightseeing and getting to know each other. :)

9/4 Tuesday - 8:30 am Interview at the Consulate

9/5 Wednesday - receive Min's visa

9/6 Thursday - leave Guangzhou for Seoul; Seoul to Atlanta . Hopefully get through customs in record time (we can pray and dream, right?!) and make our flight to Orlando!!!

Good night all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, August 24, 2012

Saturday 8/25/12

So, last night I forced my sleep deprived self to stay up and write out a blog post on our day. Today I noticed that the post is NOWHERE to be found. Frustrating to say the least!

I guess this will be a shortened version!
We ate at the hotel breakfast, very good!

After breakfast we walked down to Insadong (dong means neighborhood) for a little walking and shopping. We found a Starbucks and enjoyed some coffees!

I enjoyed these signs also and wanted to share:

Back at the hotel We went up to the pool/jacuzzi and let Zane swim. Mostly he stayed in the jacuzzi as the pool was freezing. The pool is on the rooftop and there are beautiful views all around.

After the pool, we visited our Korean Adoption agency, Holt. We took a taxi cab there, which was about a 30 minute drive. I definitely understand being at the mercy of a driver in another country when you have no idea where you are going! We met DJ there, who was the coordinator for Zane's adoption and she took us to a traditional Korean lunch. We left our shoes at the door and sat on the floor. Her Dad and daughter were there with us also. It was a great lunch and fun visiting.

After lunch we went to look around the Holt offices. We walked in with another couple from the US (the Dad was actually from Lane's hometown of Downers Grove!) who were there to get their new little girl. We visited the medical room where about 5 little ones were waiting for medical check-ups before leaving for their adoptive families. The nurse there seemed to remember Zane. :) You can just tell how much love the people at this agency have for these babies. And they were so happy to see Zane. On our way out of the office we saw the little girl that was being brought to the couple mentioned earlier. She was about 18 months old, just precious!

DJ's dad said he wanted to take us to see the South and North Korean border. So off we went. It was about an hours drive north. At one point all along the river are the South Korean soldiers manning the (heavily wired covered) fences. We went up and looked across the border, saw the last train that made it out of North Korea, saw the Bridge of Freedom that the people can no longer cross, and learned about the tunnels dug by the north Koreans to try and get their soldiers into South Korea.

This above photo was at the end of the Border before getting to the bridge.

After finally getting back to the hotel, we were fighting to stay awake.
We grabbed some take out and finally crashed.
I think that was most of the post that was intended for yesterday!

Blessings, Cindy

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Seoul, South Korea

We made it to our hotel in Seoul last night at about 7:30. What a LONG few days.

The plane ride went as good as possible, but still torture trying to get some sleep while flying. Zane was in electronic heaven with the TV monitor that he was able to choose games or movies on. I finally forced him to turn it off at one point, with him insisting that he was not sleepy, and then he promptly fell asleep.

The hotel here seems nice enough. We didn't get much of a chance to see anything last night. There was a small coffee/sandwich shop where we picked up some sandwiches and waters.

Today we will have lunch with our Korean adoption coordinator. This wasn't originally planned, but sounds like it will be nice. Her Dad and daughter would like to be tour guides for us and take us to some places. Her Dad specifically mentioned the North Korean border - interesting!
I would like to get to one of the markets here, to experience it and take everything in. I don't think Lane or Zane have any specifics that they want to
So we are just kind of playing it by ear.

Zane and I are really hungry and cannot wait for the breakfast buffet to open!

Lane is somehow, still snoozing.

Zane has asked me a few times how long it will be until we can get Peyton Min. That has been good for these mommy ears to hear.

While at the airport we did get (a little too late for packing though) an update on Min's sizes. It seems he has grown just a tiny bit more; so that is good.

Thank you for all of your prayers, please keep them coming. The closer we get, the more nervous (to say the least) I get. Please pray that we all stay well also.

Blessings, Cindy and Family - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

At the airport

We made it to the airport! Thanks Nana for the drop off.
We are trying to post and put a few pictures from the phone. See if it will work.
Butterflies setting in.
We read a little devotion.
Praying for all flights to be easy and on time!
Hard to believe when we come back we will be a family of FOUR! 4!

Deep breaths!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our last sleep before leaving

Our bags are packed and ready to close in the morning. We are going to be up at 4:45 and our plan is to be out of the house at 5:30. We will drive over to Mom's house and she will drive with us to the airport and then bring our car home.

Mom, and friends and family will be watching and staying at our house and for this we are very thankful. Kozmo is very thankful too!

Next time we come home, we will be a family of four! That has still not quite sunk in yet.

I had so many things in my mind that I wanted to say and to post, but I think my tiredness and I'll admit, anxiety, and lack of sleep from last night have all just blocked out those thoughts and words.

I am so excited to meet our new little guy. I cannot wait to see him and see his little personality. From what we are told, he smiles a lot and he is a great little helper. Please pray that God has gone before us and prepared Peyton Min for the changes he will be facing. His little world is going to be completely rocked. I cannot imagine; it is almost too hard to think about at times. This little 5 year old taken from everything that he has known. We do not even know at this point if he knows about us yet. I had asked for an update before we left, but we have not heard anything. I hope he is well and knows of us and is excited to have a family!

'When I am afraid, I trust in God. I trust in God, so there is no need to be afraid. :)

Blessings, Cindy and Family - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We leave one week from today

No, I am NOT packed yet, to the disbelief of some of my sweetest friends!
But I do have boxes full of stuff to pack and lists of everything to throw in, paper work is all ready to go. So that's gotta count for something! And I do have suitcases ready and waiting.
All I need is to find/get a carry on for Peyton Min coming back.  And figure out what size shoe to take for him.

No, the room is not completely done yet, but it is sleep-able and clean.   That's what counts, right?!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

2 WEEKS and a weekend of BLESSINGS

Oh my goodness! 2 weeks from today we will meet our 2nd little boy!!

Seriously, no, it hasn't quite sunk in yet.

One minute I'm extremely excited. The next minute I am starting to panic.
I cannot wait to meet him though, cannot wait for him and Zane to meet. Praying that God has been and continues to work ahead of us on these two little personalities.

Saturday some friends threw a 'not so baby' shower for me, for Peyton Min. It was wonderful! Lots of good food, good talk, and some really sweet, thoughtful, and very useful gifts.
I'm not sure if they will really ever know just how much that meant to me. :)

And the blessings continued... This morning during church we were called up to the front during prayer time so they could prayer over us for our trip and adoption. As nervous as I was (trying to hold it together and NOT let my emotions overtake me and stand up there just bawling) I actually held it together pretty nicely! I thought this was one of the most sweetest, most wonderful things they could have done for us. Very touching. The sermon was appropriate as well... why we should not worry and all of the corresponding verses. I've tucked it in my purse and plan to take it on our travels.

We have received a few unexpected blessings. And as much as I have prayed for God's provision during this whole process, I've found that it is very hard for me to accept these. It is very humbling to have been so blessed.

2 weeks!!!

Mins room did not get painted this weekend. But it will next weekend! The beds are done and ready to be snuggled in.

The suitcase situation seems to be worked out now (thanks Mom!).
Let the packing begin!

2 weeks!!!

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' Phil. 4:6-7

Blessings, Cindy and Family - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Testing BlogPress

Just testing a post using Blog press from my IPad.

Blessings, Cindy and Family - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad