Our family now...

Our family now...
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Preparing travel lists...

I must make use of the long wait extra time we've been blessed with and get myself all organized!

I belong to a wonderful FB (facebook) group with many, many families, all with similiar timelines in the adoption process.  Many families have already traveled and are home, many preparing to go in the next week or two, and many of us planning our travel at the end of summer.   There is so much great info from this group.   So many questions asked and answered, things discussed that we might not ever think about. 
One of the ladies from this group has a GREAT blog; I am linking to one of her posts here for some great travel lists.  This is mostly for me so I can come back to it quickly when I am in a panic thinking I've forgotten something!  (Or maybe I have packed too much,  I am known to do that!).

Happy 4th!  ( I cannot wait for Peyton Min to join us for fireworks!). 

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