Our family now...

Our family now...
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our last sleep before leaving

Our bags are packed and ready to close in the morning. We are going to be up at 4:45 and our plan is to be out of the house at 5:30. We will drive over to Mom's house and she will drive with us to the airport and then bring our car home.

Mom, and friends and family will be watching and staying at our house and for this we are very thankful. Kozmo is very thankful too!

Next time we come home, we will be a family of four! That has still not quite sunk in yet.

I had so many things in my mind that I wanted to say and to post, but I think my tiredness and I'll admit, anxiety, and lack of sleep from last night have all just blocked out those thoughts and words.

I am so excited to meet our new little guy. I cannot wait to see him and see his little personality. From what we are told, he smiles a lot and he is a great little helper. Please pray that God has gone before us and prepared Peyton Min for the changes he will be facing. His little world is going to be completely rocked. I cannot imagine; it is almost too hard to think about at times. This little 5 year old taken from everything that he has known. We do not even know at this point if he knows about us yet. I had asked for an update before we left, but we have not heard anything. I hope he is well and knows of us and is excited to have a family!

'When I am afraid, I trust in God. I trust in God, so there is no need to be afraid. :)

Blessings, Cindy and Family - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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