Our family now...

Our family now...
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, June 7, 2012

These past few days....

We found out that our package was received by the orphanage, yay!  I wish we could know for sure if Peyton Min has received our package.  But all our SW could tell us what that 'The orphanage staff were well instructed to share the photos and prepare children for their family.'.   
They were also told that we were not traveling until mid August, so I'm wondering if they will hold his package for a few more weeks.  
This part, not knowing if he knows, is almost harder than any of the other waiting. 

We also found out that our letter from the NVC, along with other papers, was dropped off on June 5th.  Our Article 5 is scheduled to be picked up on June 19th.  After that is received, we should get our TA (travel approval) next.  Once we are approved, we should be able to request (well, our agency requests) our Consulate appointment.  

And finally, after much stress over filling them out correctly,  our Visa applications have been Fed-Ex'd off to the courier so she can get them to the Consulate in Houston TX for our approval to go to Ch*na!  
It really hasn't quite sunk in yet.  
In a little over 2 months, we will be on our way to get our little boy. 

A fellow AP (adoptive parent) from my FB DTC Winter group posted this verse after receiving her LOA:
Proverbs 25:25  As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Awesome, isn't it?!
God is watching over us all, near and far. 



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