Our family now...

Our family now...
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the Power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Yesterday (totally unexpected and very exciting!) we received a letter from the NVC... this is a letter stating that our petition to adopt has been forwarded to the Embassy in Ch*na.  It seems like our letter has come pretty quickly; tomorrow I have to scan copies to our agency.  This letter has a GUZ# that our Agency needs in order to proceed with the adoption. Now we will wait for our Article 5 to be issued by the US Embassy.  Here is how this next step will go, courtesy of Courtney's China adoption online website

'Once you have emailed your NVC letter to your agency, they will forward it to their in-Ch*na representative. The in-Ch*na rep will take the NVC letter to the US Embassy in Guangzhou along with your DS-230 application and Parental LOA. The US Embassy only allows representatives to drop off the paperwork on certain days. The consulate needs to review your new child's visa application (the DS-230), make sure it meets the qualifications for an immigrant visa, and then signs off that everything is in order for the adoption to be completed. This is called the Article 5 letter. You cannot obtain custody of your child until the Article 5 letter is issued!

The consulate takes a standard two weeks to complete this process. If your paperwork is dropped off on a Monday, it will be picked up from the consulate by your agency rep two Mondays later.

Once it's picked up from the consulate, it will be delivered directly to the CCAA for Travel Approval!'

Did ya'll follow all of that?!  I know, I know, lots of info there.  So, basically, we are waiting on our Article 5 and then TA  (Travel Approval).

Another exciting happening this weekend also!  We have come to a final decision on Min's American name.

                              Phillip Zane Bowers' brother will be Peyton Zachary Bowers.     :)


  1. Love his name :) Will be be called Peyton or Zachary? I know how Lane, Zane and Cody like to go by their middle names! hehehe!! :) So happy for you all! Looking forward to your travels and bringing home your son!!

  2. LOVE his name! Zachary has always been a name I've loved! -- Sony
